Hello everybody! How are you? Today I will tell you how to prepare this easy receipe, it is called Tuna Marmitako. On the one hand, I will tell you its ingredients and way of preparation and the other my opinion about this receipe.
First, you need some basic and easy to get foods:
-A piece of bread -A handful of green peas
-2 peeled tomatoes -Two cloves of garlic
-A large onion -1/5 kg of potatoes
-1/5 kg of tuna -A red pepper
Then, his mode of preparation is:
1.Itches the tuna, onion, potatoes, tomato and garlic.
2.Fry the garlic and onion and add the potatoes to the pot during 15 minuts and the add the pepper, tomato, tuna and peas.
3.Chop pieces of bread and add it, after 3 minutes put out the fire, pouring olive oil to the plate. And we would have our marmitako dish!!
Its result is:

In my opinion, this receip is perfect for times when you don't have time and you want to eat healthy and well. I wanted to share with you , because that way you can save cooking time. I hope you like it. See you next time!
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