Hello guys,today i`ll talk about the wolf.
The wolf(canis lupus) is a pleasant mammal of the order of carnivores.They were once abundant in North America,Eurasia and the Middle East .Today the abundance of the wolves has decreased a lot due to reasons such as hunting and they only inhabit only in a very limited portion of what was once their territory.
Although classified as a less threatened species for extinction, in some regions, including the continental United States of America, the species is listed as endangered or threatened. Wolves are hunted in many areas of the world for the threat they pose to livestock, as well as for sport.
The wolf, which is a predator, is found in a large number of ecosystems. This wide territory of habitat where the wolves are reflected in their adaptability as a species, which can live in forests, mountains, tundras, taiga and meadows.
They can hunt both day and night thanks to their sharp sense of smell and their vision nictálope, for little light, since their eyes have a tapetum lucidum behind the retina. Their long and powerful snouts help distinguish them from the coyotes and jackals, which have narrower snouts; and the dogs that usually have them smaller. The wolves also differ in certain cranial dimensions, having a smaller orbital angle than, for example, the dogs (53º these and 45º the wolves), as well as in a greater cerebral capacity, being the cranial vault a 20% bigger.
Sometimes a wolf seems heavier than it really is, due to its voluminous fur, consisting of two layers. The first layer is adapted to repel water and dirt. The second is a dense waterproof undercoat that isolates the wolf. This turns into a big pile of hair in late spring or early summer. A wolf is usually rubbed against objects such as rocks and branches to encourage the loss of fur. The sub-coat is usually gray without taking into account the appearance of the outer coat. Wolves have different coats in winter and summer alternating in spring and autumn. The females tend to keep their winter coats beyond spring unlike the males.
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