martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Welcome to another blog, this time of food, that triangular piece with tomato, cheese and various ingredients, which everyone likes, has a long history.
Many authors claim that pizza, as it is known today, comes from the city of Naples (Italy), the pizza is born from a food made by the humble inhabitants of the city of Naples and the composition was not as varied as the current one, has spread from Naples to the rest of Italy and then to the world, perhaps due to Italian immigration to various parts, took this dish out of the borders.

Roman and Greek literature shows how the use of flatbreads is very typical of Mediterranean cultures, and as bread and cheese are already described as a combined food, tomato arrives in Italy in Spanish vessels in the year 1554 , before the arrival of the tomato in Italy, the Neapolitans prepared what today is called "white pizza" made with garlic, parsley and olive oil.
It is thought that the word "pizza" comes from pinsa, a past participle of the Latin verb pinsere, which means "crush", "press", "crush"
The Neapolitan and Italian immigrants took their culinary customs to different parts of the world, in this way in the United States the Italian bakers of New York began to make pizzas in 1902, soon they would open pizzerias with a new way of understanding the restoration business: franchise. American soldiers accustomed to eating pizzas during the Second World War, made demand grow in the US. In the USA UU it was called in the first moments as "tomato pie" (tomato cake). The franchises promoted the dispersion of other "fast food" foods such as hamburger or hot dog and its success was soon proved with the pizzas

 The first franchise was opened in the United States and was called Shakey's Pizza and began its operation in 1954, the next franchise that expanded out of the territory was Pizza Hut that started operations in 1958.

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