lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

- Red Queen, Victoria Aveyard
The society is divided into reds and silver, the reds are poor people and the silver ones are rich. The reds are normal people, but the silver ones have powers.
Mare Barrow is a red, who randomly ends up serving in court. There you will discover that you have powers, for them it becomes an anomaly. The king takes advantage of her anomaly and makes her the princess of one of her children. Mare will have to adapt to the silver world and that nobody but the necessary ones know that it is a red one.

- Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater
Grace when she was little was surrounded by a pack of wolves and was also saved by a yellow-eyed wolf. From then on, she wanted the winter to come because she saw him at the edge of the forest through her window.
Years later, she met a young man with yellow eyes and now she wanted what she did not do when she was little, that winter does not come and autumn lasts forever.
- Nerve, Jeanne Ryan
Vee has never been a girl who stands out, on the contrary, she has always been in the shadow of her best friend's back, if she stands out. Therefore, Vee decides to try his luck in a game of online challenges, it is accepted.
At the beginning it's great, everyone loves it, but as challenges go by Vee discovers that the game does not allow him to stop until the end, the game will take an unexpected turn. At least he'll have the help of Ian, another player.
When what you most want is within your reach, what would you be able to do?

- Me before you, Jojo Moyes
Louisa Clark is not expected to be fired from the cafeteria in which she loves to work. Louisa knows many things, but what she does not know is that now she works as Will Trainor's caregiver, that an accident besides stealing her mobility from the neck down, also robbed her of her desire to live. Louisa will have to show you that life goes on, that there may be difficulties but that you do not have to give up even when you are going to be in a wheelchair for your whole life. Louisa does not have much time but she will try by all means.



Hello everybody! How are you? Today I'm going to talk about the pop music because it's the genre that I hear the most and I wanted to tell you about some singers who had a lot of fame during their time. 

First I will  tell you the kind of music that covers this musical genre. This music begins in the 50s, taking as reference the popular rock and roll of that time. Therefore pop tries to mix different tipes of music such as latin rhytms, funk, dance, rock... In mi case, the variants that I like the most are dance and indie.

Secontly I will tell you the main objective of this music, since it can be commercial or we can be. It is commercial, this music is designed by the industry with the objetive of selling the maximum discs, therefores the changes aren't composed by the autor. Examples of commercial pop music is Britney Spears, which her songs from the firts albums I like al lot, since the have a natural air.

I hope you can learn a bit more about pop music and it has seemed interesing to you. See you next time and bye!
Resultado de imagen de musica pop


Estopa is a duo of singers from Cornella de Llobregat that was created in 1999 by the brothers David and José Muñoz. On their first album they got 1,000,000 copies. . They have sold more than 4 million albums a nationally and internationally. David and José were born in the neighborhood of San Ildefonso de Cornellá de Llobregat. In October 1999 the first album with the same name of the group was published: Estopa. In 2001 he released his second album, Destrangis, which far exceeded 2,000,000 copies sold. After two years of silence, in 2004, the album "La calle es tuya" appeared, which with songs like "Fuente de energía" more than 1 billion views in the album. With more than 1,000,000 albums sold and 23 Platinum records achieved with three albums and in just six years, in November 2005 his fourth album was released, Voces de ultrarumba.In February 2008 was released Allenrok, his fifth studio album with a title that, according to Estopa, "It is a tribute to our city on our most disc. Jose and David, members of the band Estopa, released "Rumba a lo Desconocido" on October 2, 2015, composed of 12 new songs, selling more than 50,000 copies of the album in Spain.They have made 9 albums in 18 years.

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the maze runner

The maze runner is a dystopian novel written by the American author James Dashner, as the first book of the homonymous trilogy. It was published in October 2009 by Delacorte Press, division of Random House Mondadori. It is written in the third person focusing especially on Thomas, a teenager who one day wakes up in a green area where other young people of his age live in the center of a labyrinth, and can not remember more than his name; with the passage of time, he will have to learn to live with the other inhabitants and will unravel the mysteries of how they got there. The book obtained favorable reviews from critics, who praised the atmosphere and the suspense of the plot. He also won numerous awards, including the best-seller label.


Upon awakening inside a dark moving box, Thomas does not even remember his name. He does not know who he is. Nor where is it going? But he is not alone: ​​when the elevator reaches its destination, the doors open and he is surrounded by a group of young people (all male).

The Glade (the Claro in Spain, the Area in Spanish America) is an open space surrounded by gigantic walls full of vegetation. Like Thomas, none of them knows how he got there. Not why? What they are sure of is that each morning the stone doors that separate them from the labyrinth that surrounds them open and at night, they close. And that every month someone new is delivered by the elevator.

 One fact alters in a radical way the routine of the place: days after the arrival of Thomas a girl arrives, the first sent to the Glade, and even more surprising is the message it brings. Thomas will be more important than he imagines. But for that you must discover the dark secrets stored in your mind. For some reason, he knows that to achieve it he must run. Running will be the key, or he will die.

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
(Your lie in April)
By Naoshi Arakawa
Piano prodigy Kōsei Arima dominated various music competitions and has become famous among child musicians but also controversial. After his mother, who was also his coldhearted, abusive instructor who forced him to play the piano emotionlessly, died, he had a mental breakdown while performing at a piano recital at the age of eleven. As a result, he is no longer able to hear the sound of his piano even though his hearing is perfectly fine.
Two years later, he goes to the high school with his childhood friends, Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryōta Watari, until one day a strange girl appears in his life and changes everything. Kaori Miyazono, an extroverted violinist without remorse, who in her musical style reflects her personality, her way of feeling and her deep desire for the audience to remember her through music. Kaori helps him return to the music world and shows him that this should be free and unpredictable, expressing his feelings to the public, unlike the structured and rigid style to which Kousei was accustomed.

Kill Bill chapter I

Kill Bill is a story about a girl who gets pregnant and the day of her weeding but all the people who was there is murdered by the father of her son Bill (she wanted to get married with another guy). She survives but loses her baby.
The main character was a member of his ex-boyfriend killer group (who killed her friends).
The film tells how she avenges by killing the members of the group. At first she wakes up in a hospital and escapes.Then she killed an ex-member woman in front of her daughter.
After that the charapter travels to Japan to kill a yakuza's leader.
The chapter II will tell how she kills another member that ruined her life and the story of Bill and her. I'll just say that she ends buried in a graveyard, but doesn't die.
In short I think that is an amazing and mytical film by Quentin Tarantino very entretaining. You will not regret wathching it.
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Juuni taisen

Juuni taisen
(12 Wars)
Written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Hikaru Nakamura
In a city of half a million people who have all been removed, 12 of the deadliest mercenary warriors with the names and attributes of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals are pitted against each other in the 12th Zodiac Tournament which takes place every 12 years. During this rendition, each warrior of the 12 warriors is asked to swallow one of 12 poisonous gems, which will begin to kill each of the 12 warriors after 12 hours. To be granted any one wish of their choosing, the winner must retrieve all the 12 gems from the other 11 competitors before the deadline. It becomes a merciless battle where survival is crucial at any means

the eagle

Hello, everyone! Today I´m going to speak about the eagle.
The main characteristics of this great bird are above all in the stylized and aerodynamic body they have. The eagles, unlike many other birds, have a body perhaps somewhat thinner with broad wings and a small head with large eyes. It is said that an eagle can see, whili it is flying, its target that is several kilometers away, following it stealthily from the weights to give chase. The plumage usually is brown, as in the case of the golden eagle, however it can very greatly depending of the type of eagle that you are going to observe, some of which maybe a grayish color like the harpy eagle.
Kisses and hugs

Fernando Torres

Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres is a player of Atletico Madrid who went through Milan, Chelsea and Liverpool, in addition to Atlético Madrid in 2001, who debuted with the first team after seeing the past from the cadet category in the quarry. Fernando Torres before arriving at Atlético he played goalkeeper in Parque 84. He participated in his first football match in the Fuenlabrada pavilion. Torres played goalkeeper until he was 7 years old, then played forward for the rest of his life. In his first season at Atlético Madrid, in the first team they went up to first. His first contract with the club he signed with 15 years. At 17 he won the European sub16 in which he took the number 14. In July, at eighteen, he played with the U19 national team held in Norway. With Chelsea he won his only Champions against Barcelona in which he scored the decisive goal. Torres also won 2 Euro Cups and one World Cup. Fernando is the only player in history that has scored in 2 European Championship finals followed.

 Also marked the first double in the history of the Metropolitan.
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Sergio Castro Gisbert, artistically known as Chuty is an MC and Spanish freestyler. He has won 2 national 2 regional championships and lost 3 internationals, in the first he lost against another MC called Jhonny Beltran, in the second also and in the third one held yesterday, he lost against Yenky One, all the people who saw the show, were amazed Seeing the result, everyone knows that Chuty deserved to win. In a part of the video, you can see the reactions of the presenters who were amazing. That international came to Aczino. Chuty is considered one of the best MC and freestyler in Spain and the world, unfortunately has not been able to get the best title of all that is the international championship of the Red Bull Battle of Roosters, but has achieved other championships such as the Big Bang 2017 and is in first place in the Freestyle league where they are: Arkano, Errece, Invert, Skone, Zasko, BTA, Mr Ego and Chuty.




Image result for fortniteFortnite is a co-op sandbox survival video game developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly, the former also publishing the game. The game was released as a paid early access title for Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on July 25, 2017, with a full free-to-play release expected in 2018. It features cross-progression between the PlayStation 4 and PC versions.
Fortnite is set in contemporary Earth, where the sudden appearance of a worldwide storm causes 98% of the world's population to disappear, and zombie-like creatures rising to attack the remainder. Considered by Epic as a cross between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead, Fortnite has up to four players cooperating on various missions on randomly-generated maps to collect resources, build fortifications around defensive objectives that are meant to help fight the storm and protect survivors, and construct weapons and traps to engage in combat with waves of these creatures that attempt to destroy the objectives. Players gain rewards through these missions to improve their hero characters, support teams, and arsenal of weapon and trap schematics to be able to take on more difficult missions. The game is supported through microtransactions to purchase in-game currency that can be used towards these upgrades.
A standalone mode, Fortnite Battle Royale, based on the battle royale genre, was released for Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in September 2017.
Currently, Fortnite provides two distinct modes: a player-versus-environment "Save the World", and a player-versus-player "Battle Royale". The latter mode was added after Fortnite's initial early access launch, and later offered as a separate free-to-play mode on September 26, 2017, that does not require the base game to play.


Apple pie. Recipe

Hi everyone, today I'm goig to share with you the recipe of a dish that I love, apple pie. I hope you like it!

· 4 apples
· 180g of flour
· 1/2 envelope of chemical yeast (8g of baking powder)
· 2 eggs
· 100gr brown sugar
· 175ml of milk
· Red fruits (to decorate)
· Apricot jam
· Mint leaves
· Butter and flour for the mold

Place the flour, the yeast, the eggs, the sugar, 2 apples (peeled and diced) and the milk in the beater glass. Triturate until a homogeneous mass remains.
Peel the other 2 apples, cut them into slices and cover the surface on the cake.
Bake at 180ºC for 45 min (with preheater oven).
Let it temper a little, unmold and with helps of a brish spreat the surface with a little apricot jam.
Garnish the apple pie with the red fruits and some mint leaves. Serve the apple pie.
Image result for tarta de manzana


Hi everyone !!!! Today I’m going to talk about MY ALTEA TRIP

I went with my friends Sara, Aitana and Sara.R and it was incredible.

First, we visited Altea Hills and we went shopping all the time. The lunch time arrived so we went to eat at a very famous restaurant called “a pie de playa, the food here is amazing but is a little expensive. Finally we went to the hotel and we stayed there until 12.30 , we went to have something.

The next day, we took a bus and we went to Calpe , there we took a small boat and we were sailing to arrive at peñon de ifach”. Here we spent time on the beach and we had lunch at a restaurant called “llevant” and then we bought some souvenirs for our family.

The last day we visitedL’albir” and here, obviusly we went to the beach to take some color and then we came back to Altea to have lunch at the hotel.

This is all for today , guys I hope you like it and see you next day.

Portgas D. Ace (ポ ー ト ガ ス · D · エ ー ス, Pōtogasu D. Ēsu, known in the Anglo-Saxon dub as Portgaz D. Ace or Portgaz D. Trace) was a secondary character in the manga and anime One Piece, created by the mangaka Eiichiro Oda . He was the son of His Father Gol D. Roger and his Mother Portgas D. Rouge was the older half brother of Monkey D. Luffy and Sabo. He was adopted by Monkey D. Garp, because of a desire of His father before dying. He was the commander of the second division of the Shirohige Pirates and also at some point, captain of the pirates Spade. He was captured by the Navy and killed by Admiral Aikanu while trying to protect his brother Luffy. Over his head weighed a reward of 550 million berries, the fifth highest seen in the series so far (the first is Jack with a thousand and the second Charlotte Cracker with 860,000.). Like Luffy, he tasted a Devil Fruit but of the Lodge type, the Mera Mera no Mi, which gave him the ability to manipulate and generate fire. Ace was chasing to kill Blackbeard, a former member of his alliance who left it after killing the commander of the Fourth Division, Thatch, to steal the Devil Fruit Yami-Yami no Mi he had found. When they found him, a fight between the two of them began. The winner was Blackbeard (whose real name is Marshall D. Teach). For this reason he captured Ace giving him to the Navy to get the title of "Shichibukai."

the rabbit

Hi, everyone! today I´m going to talk about the rabbit.
The common rabbit or European rabbit (Oryctalagus cuniculus) is a species of mammal in the Leporidae family.
It is included in the list 100 of the most harmful invasive alien species in the world of the international Union for the Conservation of the Nature.
It is characterized by having a body covered with a thick fur and shaggy, pale gray, oval head and large eyes. It weights between 1.5 and 2.5 Kg in the wild. It has long ears of up to 7 cm which help regulate body temperature and a very short tail. Their forelegs are shorter than the hindlegs. It measures from 33 to 50 cm in mild conditions, even more in domestic breeds for meat. All these characteristics that this species has in the wild can vary significantly depending on the breed.

my favorite singer

 Swan Fyahbwoy

He was born on December 15, 1979 in Madrid, his mother died when he was only 15 years old.
He started his artistic career at the beginning of 2005, personally influenced by Jamaican music called reggae.
Currently Swan Fyahbwoy is one of the greatest references of dancehall reggae in Spain.
a year ago he burned his house with the inside and burned his dreadlocks.

fight for the global legalization of weed.🙆

The Fox

Hello guys,today im gonna talk about fox.

The polar fox (Alopex lagopus) is a small canid that inhabits huras throughout the tundra, generally on slopes.
The polar foxes are distributed throughout the tundras of the north of Eurasia and North America, including many islands to which they arrived at the time walking on the ice.
The polar fox has small ears and a dense layer of hair that allows it to survive and hunt at extreme temperatures (up to -50 ° C). In the summer, this white coat [¿which?] Of long fur changes by a grayish-brown coat of shorter fur. In Greenland blue-green specimens have been documented, a feature appreciated by furriers and promoted by breeders.

Polar foxes measure between 35 and 55 cm in length. The weight of the male is 3.5 kg on average, with a range of 3.2 to 9.4 kg, and that of the female of 2.9 kg, with a range of 1.4 to 3.2 kg.

Resultado de imagen de zorro artico

My travel in China
 My trip to eastern lands in summer 2011, 3 weeks I stayed in China, starts with a stopover in Switzerland, went with the Swiss airline, I had 16 hours of flight, I stopped in Switzerland and I had Swiss chocolates and back to plane, I was going to Shanghai.  

I slept in a hotel the first day in Shanghai, visited the most important skyscrapers and the luxurious area and the poorest area. The next day I took a train, a train that went by magnetic levitation and arrived in Wenzhou, there I have a flat with a pool and a market inside.

 The next week, I took a plane to Beijing, 3 wonderful days were waiting for me. I arrived at the airport and a bus picked me up, I headed to a hotel with a pool. On the first day, I visited the forbidden city, later I visited the Temple of Heaven, two hours later I visited Tiananmen Square, Beihai Park and at night I visited the city center.

 The second day I was in the Chinese wall all day, I went by cable car and the lines were very long.


Michael Myers

Michael Myers is a fictional character from the Halloween slasher movie series. 
 He first appears on Halloween (1978) as a 6-year-old boy who murders his older sister and then, fifteen years later, returns home to murder his younger sister. In the original Halloween, the adult Michael Myers, known as The Way in closing credits, was played by Nick Castle for most of the film, with Tony Moran and Tommy Lee Wallace in the substitution during the last scene. It was created by Debra Hill and John Carpenter. Michael Myers has appeared in 9 movies, as well as in a novel, a video game and several comic books. In 2007, the filmmaker and musician Rob Zombie takes up the film series with remakes.
The character has gone through three different versions or continuities. In the original version of Carpenter and Hill is a psychopathic killer by nature without there being a rational explanation behind his actions beyond what seems to be an intrinsic evil, as described by Dr. Loomis played by Donald Pleasence.



Resultado de imagen de PAC MAN WIKIPEDIAPac-Man (Japanese: パックマン Hepburn: Pakkuman), stylized as PAC-MAN, is an arcade game developed by Namco and first released in Japan in May 1980. It was created by Japanese video game designer Toru Iwatani. It was licensed for distribution in the United States by Midway Games and released in October 1980. Immensely popular from its original release to the present day, Pac-Man is considered one of the classics of the medium, and an icon of 1980s popular culture


The player controls Pac-Man through a maze of various dots, known as Pac-Dots, as well as four multi-colored ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. The goal of the game is to eat all the Pac-Dots in a stage in order to proceed to the next one. Between some stages, one of three intermission animations plays.


 The enemies in Pac-Man are known variously as "monsters" and "ghosts". Despite the seemingly random nature of the enemies, their movements are strictly deterministic, which players have used to their advantage.

Kill screen

Pac-Man was designed to have no ending – as long as at least one life was left, the game should be able to go on indefinitely. However, a bug keeps this from happening: Normally, no more than seven fruit are displayed on the HUD at the bottom of the screen at any given time.


For Honor

For Honor


For Honor cover art.jpgFor Honor is a hack and slash fighting game developed and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game allows players to play the roles of historical forms of soldiers and warriors, including knights, samurai, and vikings within a medieval setting, controlled using a third-person perspective
Announced at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015, the game was developed primarily by Ubisoft's studio in Montreal, and released worldwide on February 14, 2017. Reception of the game was generally positive, with criticism mostly directed at the multiplayer matchmaking and the many technical issues regarding it. The game has also been criticized for excessive microtransactions.
For Honor is an action fighting game set during a medieval period inspired fantasy setting. Players can play as a character from three different factions, namely The Blackstone Legion Knights, The Chosen Samurai, and The Warborn Vikings. The three factions represent knights, samurai, and vikings, respectively. Each faction had four classes at launch, with two more being added at the beginning of every season of the Faction War. The Vanguard class is described as "well-balanced" and has excellent offense and defense. The Assassin class is fast and efficient in dueling enemies, but the class deals much less damage to enemies. The Heavies are more resistant to damages and are suitable for holding capture points, though their attacks are slow. The last class, known as "Hybrids", are a combination of two of the three types, and is capable of using uncommon skills.


First season:

After a violent shipwreck and having disappeared and believed dead for five years on a desert island in the Pacific, playboy billionaire Oliver Queen is rescued alive. Back home in Starling City, Oliver is greeted by his mother, his sister and his best friend, who quickly notice that the ordeal has changed him. On the other hand, Oliver tries to hide the truth about who he has become while trying to mend the mistakes he made in the past and to reconcile with his ex-girlfriend, Laurel Lance. While Oliver tries to reconnect with people from his past playing the role of the moneyed, carefree and careless womanizer he used to be, aided by his faithful chauffeur and bodyguard John Diggle, he secretly creates the character of a hooded vigilante, a vigilante who fight against the evils of society trying to give your city the glory it once had; Complicating this mission, is Detective Lance, Laurel's father, who is determined to put the guard behind bars.

Second season:

After the earthquake in the Glades, Oliver feels guilty for Tommy's death, so he decides to return to Lian Yu, where Felicity and Diggle travel to convince him that the city needs him. Oliver decides to return to Starling City under the promise not to murder anyone else to honor the memory of his dead friend. In his crusade, Oliver finds new allies such as Quentin Lance, Roy Harper and Barry Allen. Oliver discovers that Slade Wilson is alive and is in the city with the sole purpose of ending his revenge, taking everything Oliver loves.

Third season:

Crime in Starling City has reached a historic low level thanks to Arrow and with the anti-vigilante team dismantled by now Captain Lance, Oliver believes that he may be able to balance his double life, but the sudden murder of Sara makes him rethink that idea . Shattered by the death of her sister, Laurel is enveloped in a spiral of anger and finds Ted Grant, who decides to train her to avenge the death of Sara. Focused on finding the killer of his ex-girlfriend, Oliver tries to exhaust all the evidence that is appearing on the road, leading him to discover that Thea is responsible. Manipulated by Malcolm to save his sister's life, Oliver decides to accept the guilt and confront Ra's al Ghul, who claims the Canary killer. Finally, Ra's al Ghul reveals to Oliver his desire to join the League of Assassins and succeed him as leader of that organization, threatening to put his city and his loved ones against him.

Hello people,i will talk about black widow

The American black widow (Latrodectus mactans) is a species of araneomorphic spider of the family Theridiidae.1 It is also known as the spider of wheat or spider capulina or black widow (in Mexico) and spider casanpulga (in El Salvador).
The female measures up to about 35 mm with extended legs, is bright black carbon and has a red hourglass patch on the underside of the abdomen. The male measures 12 mm and weighs 30 times less. The legs are large and each joint is orange brown in the middle and black at the ends. On the sides of the abdomen there are four pairs of red and white stripes. The combination of red and black colors is interpreted as a warning coloration (aposematism).

Young young are orange, brown and white; they acquire their black color with age, or with each change.

Resultado de imagen de viuda negra araña


Hi everybody!!!! Today I’m here to write about MY CARIBE TRIP

FIRST DAY: I arrived to caribe at 7:00 a.m. so the first thing i did was go to the hotel and leave all my things there , i didn’t sleep because I had already slept on the plane so I took the map and I went from some adventure. Then i went to visit some famous deserted beaches , it was really amazing.

SECOND DAY :I had breakfast at the hotel and then i went to see typicals animals of caribeand i saw too SHARKS wow i can’t believe it . I had lunch at a restaurant on the beach called shell and finally i went to the hotel.

THIRD DAY : I had breakfast and I went to see more beaches and wonderful places and after had lunch i went finally shopping at a beach flea market.

LAST DAY: I woke up at 4:00 to go to the airport and go back to Valencia.

I was so excited to make this trip and i hope you like it.

See you next day , xoxo


I play handball since I was eigth years old. Before I signed up to this sport, a lot of Saturdays my father and I always went to see a handball match at sport center next to my home, where years later I will play.
When I was six years old I want to sign up just but when my father went to ask for, told him that until I will be eigth years old I can’t play.

This sport consists in get more goals than your opponent.

It’s played with the hands, only the goalie can touch the ball with all the parts of body. It’s play as a team with six players in the countryside ( two extremes, two laterals, a central and a pivot ) also the goalie.

Each player have got his/her position and a function specialized in the attack:
The extremes: open the counrtyside and circulate.
The laterals: attack to the sides and dmake aoutdoors throws.
The central: direct the game.
The pivot: play along the seven meter line, make passes and go, make blocks, and help the first line.

In defence each player have got his/her position too bus in this case we need that the attackers don’t score goal. But we can’t hit, push and very important we can’t catch from the neck.

Cody Allen Christian

Cody Allen Christian (April 15, 1995) is an American actor, known for playing Mike Montgomery in the Freeform series, Pretty Little Liars, and for his role in the Teen Wolf series as Theo Raeken.
Cody is the son of a Native American mother, who is from the Penobscot nation, his mother is a breast cancer survivor, and he has campaigned to raise money for his research.

Christian was in a long-term relationship with Talia Maxine, but they separated in 2016.

hristian has played Mike Montgomery, the younger brother of Aria Montgomery, in the Freeform television series Pretty Little Liars, since 2010. Other acting credits include appearances in the television series such as True Blood, Gray's Anatomy and Back to You with Laura Marano, and in the 201 Kill the Irishman movie. Christian starred in the 2013 film The Starving Games, a parody of The Hunger Games franchise.

He appears in season 5 and 6 of the MTV series Teen Wolf, playing a recurring character named Theo Raeken, a chimera / werewolf creature.

bascketball (rules)

Personal fouls: 
Illegal pick/screen -- when an offensive player is moving
Personal foul penalties: If a player is shooting while a being fouled, then he gets two free throws if his shot doesn't go in, but only one free throw if his shot does go in.

Charging. An offensive foul that is committed when a player pushes or runs over a defensive player.  

Blocking. Blocking is illegal personal contact resulting from a defender not establishing position in time to prevent an opponent's drive to the basket.

Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent. This includes hitting, kicking, and punching.

  • Walking/Traveling. Taking more than 'a step and a half' without dribbling the ball is traveling. Moving your pivot foot once you've stopped dribbling is traveling.
  • Carrying/palming. When a player dribbles the ball with his hand too far to the side of 
  • Double Dribble. Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble.
  • Held ball. Occasionally, two or more opposing players will gain possession of the ball at the same time.
  • Goaltending. If a defensive player interferes with a shot while it's on the way down toward the basket, while it's on the way up toward the basket after having touched the backboard, or while it's in the cylinder above the rim, it's goaltending and the shot counts.
  • Backcourt violation. Once the offense has brought the ball across the mid-court line, they cannot go back across the line during possession.
  • Time restrictions. A player passing the ball inbounds has five seconds to pass the ball.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn


Horizon Zero Dawn.jpgHorizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing video game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4 and released in early 2017. The plot revolves around Aloy, a hunter and archer living in a world overrun by robots. Having been an outcast her whole life, she sets out to discover the dangers that kept her sheltered.
 The character uses ranged weapons and a spear and stealth tactics to combat the mechanised creatures, whose remains can be looted for resources. A skill tree provides the player with new abilities and passive bonuses. The game features an open world environment for Aloy to explore, divided into tribes that hold side quests to undertake, while the main story guides her across the entire map.
Development began in 2011 after the studio completed the development of Killzone 3, with game director Mathijs de Jonge considering it "the most risky" idea of those that were pitched at the time. The concept explores the contrast between the beauty and danger of the game's setting. Guerrilla Games emphasises trial and error as the basis for playing the game.
The game engine, Decima, was previously engineered for Killzone Shadow Fall and altered for Horizon Zero Dawn. The game is the first new intellectual property (IP) developed by Guerrilla Games since Killzone in 2004, and also the studio's first attempt at developing a role-playing video game. The music was composed by Joris de Man, The Flight, and Niels van der Leest.
Horizon Zero Dawn won the award for Best Original Game at the Game Critics Awards in 2015 and 2016. At release, it was well received by critics, who praised the open world, story, visuals, combat, the character of Aloy and the performance provided by her voice actress Ashly Burch, whilst giving criticism to the dialogue, melee combat and character models. It was the best-selling launch of an original IP on the PlayStation 4 console, selling over three million copies by June 2017, making it the second best-selling PlayStation 4 video game. An expansion, The Frozen Wilds, was released on 7 November 2017.



(Stray god)
By Adachitoka
As a minor god of calamity, Yato not only has no followers but doesn't even have a shrine to his name. In an attempt to become known, he charges only five yen to grant the wishes of Near Shore dwellers (the name given to the living) to save up for his shrine. Through his missions, Yato encounters a Near Shore girl named Hiyori Iki, whose soul frequently slips out of her body, and Yukine, a wandering spirit whom he adopts as his Regalia (weapon). Together, they work to kill off corrupted spirits (Phantoms) while Yato continues in his quest to become a famous god.