lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017



Hello everybody! How are you? Today I'm going to talk about the pop music because it's the genre that I hear the most and I wanted to tell you about some singers who had a lot of fame during their time. 

First I will  tell you the kind of music that covers this musical genre. This music begins in the 50s, taking as reference the popular rock and roll of that time. Therefore pop tries to mix different tipes of music such as latin rhytms, funk, dance, rock... In mi case, the variants that I like the most are dance and indie.

Secontly I will tell you the main objective of this music, since it can be commercial or we can be. It is commercial, this music is designed by the industry with the objetive of selling the maximum discs, therefores the changes aren't composed by the autor. Examples of commercial pop music is Britney Spears, which her songs from the firts albums I like al lot, since the have a natural air.

I hope you can learn a bit more about pop music and it has seemed interesing to you. See you next time and bye!
Resultado de imagen de musica pop

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