In season 4 of the flash: Barry leaves the Speed Force with the help of Caitlin Snow, Cisco and Joe. There
will be a betrayal that we can assume will be that of Iris West since
it does not appear in the trailer with Caitlin, Joe and Cisco. Will Eave Thawne in the Crossover. Cisco had a brother who died when Barry created the alternate time line. Grood is the head of the gorillas who faced the Flash team in season 3. Grood comes from Gorilla City. While
Cisco is trying to get Barry back, Cisco creates a wormhole in which
the helmet of Jay Garrick (the first Flash) that got its poredes from an
accident in the laboratory with pure water goes flying. Jay is also fired at the wormhole. The Thinker (Devoe) created 11 metahumanos of a bus accident.
Devoe is a history professor at the University of Central City, Devoe begins to suffer from paralysis in his legs. Clifford easily discovers that he is Barry Allen, classifying his case as one of the most disappointing. Marlize goes from being his wife to being his assistant. According to Savitar, Barry will use this device to defeat DeVoe at some point in the future. Dr Alchemy is Julian Albert is a partner of Barry.
This season, like all the others, has 23 episodes, it will premiere on December 1 in Spain. Gypsy is a metahuman that can have these powers:
1. Manipulation of Dimensional Energy
2. Vibration Explosions
3. Opening and Burst
4. Stratagem
Gypsy uses a laser gun.
This is what Flash says at the beginning of the series:
"My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man there is.For the outside world, I am a normal forensic scientist, but secretly with the help of my STAR Labs friends I fight crime and I find other metahumans like me. I have found the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I have opened up our world to new threats and I am the only one quick enough to stop them.