miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Ocarina of time

Today I'm going to talk about the videogame that has amazed me the most during this year. For me it can be analyzed in three ways:

The payability: it was the firts tloz game that included 3D graphics and an incredible fight system that takes advantage of another dimension to make an interesting combat
The story: that tells you about how a poor kokiri boy who didn't even have a fairy becomes the hero of time but paying the price of staying 7 years in the temple of time and after his victory returning back to the past as a kid without any recognition an losing his only friend Navi the fairy.
The music: an for me the strong point of the game not only because it contributes a magical aura, also besause it's a fantastic idea to use your ocarina to solve puzzles and transport to different places as fast as possible to save princess Zelda.

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