miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates Of the Catibbean

On this day I'm going to talk about the Pirates of the Caribbean movie revenge salazhar, this movie the truth is that it seems very forced, for me the movie is good but it is the worst of the saga, the best of the movie is the end, where they innovated enough and was very funny, the saddest scene of the movie was when the barbary captain dies to save his daughter, the truth, I did not expect it and it was also very nice the reunion of Elisabeth and William and his son with the daughter of barbosa, probably one or two more movies from the saga, the best moment of the movie was when we could see Jack Sparrow as a young man. The reason why this movie is because Jack exchanges the compass for drink to do that breaks the curse and Salazhar is going to share from there starts a new adventure for our captain and his friends

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