miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

The animals


This blog is about animals. An animal is a living being that can move by its own means, there
 are different types of animals, they can be wild such as a lion or a meerkat, or pets. 
Wild animals do not necessarily have to be a lion, in our day to day we continuously see 
wild animals like pigeons.There are also people who are dedicated to hunting wild animals, 
 rom all kinds of birds to extremely dangerous animals. While pets are usually quiet animals, 
and usually are dogs, cats and birds but I personally have had all kinds of animals from ducks 
and chickens to wild boar and urchins and I think even a wild animal if you treat it with love 
and educate it It may well be a perfect companion animal, but always be careful.There is a video
 that has moved me a lot that it is a bull that is being bullied in the streets and his old 
owner appears and without fear that he attacks him calm and starts to caress him and there 
began my passion for animals

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