lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

christmas turkey recipe



TIME SETTING : 5 hours.


-1 cup chesnuts
-2/3 cup butter
-1/4 cup orange juice
-1/4 cup tangerine juice
-2/3 cup lemon juice
-1 4 ½ pounds turkey
-salt and pepper ground to taste
-225 grams of ground beef
-225 grams of ground pork
-1/4 cup chopp onion
-1/2 cup uncooked instant rice
-1/4 cup pine nuts
-1/4 cup raisins (optional)
-1/3 cup butter
-1/2 cup chicken broth
-2 tablespoons brandy
-1 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 165ºC.

2. Make a small cut in the side s of each chestnut and place them in a skillet over medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until they are toasted. He retired from the fire, peel and chop.

3. Melt 2/3 cup of butter in a saucepan and mix with the orange juice, mandarin juice and lemon juice. Rub the turkey with the mixture, inside and out, reserving a little to varnish during cooking. Pepper the turkey. In this operation I always wear latex gloves.

4. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the beef, pork and onions until the meat has turned a golden brown and the onion has softened. Drain the fat. Incorporate rice. Add the chestnuts, pine nuts, raisins, 1/3 cup of butter, broth and brandy. Season with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper. Keep cooking until all the liquid has been absorbed. Fill the hollow of the chicken with the mixture and tie the legs of the turkey with a string.

5. Place the turkey on a rack and cover with a piece of aluminum foil. Pour about 1/2 centimeter of water into the bottom of the tray. Make sure to maintain this water level during the entire cooking time. Bake the turkey for 3 to 4 hours, varnishing it from time to time with the butter mixture and the remaining juice. Raise the temperature of the oven to 200 ° C during the last hour of cooking and remove the aluminum foil.

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