Parkour is the job of connecting the mind with the body to perfom stunts outside of normal.
It is practiced in urban spaces,such as the street itself,buildings,parks,garages...
It is usually practiced in a group but it can also practicaced in individually,usually when u are a begginner you usually practiced with foam underneath in case you fall or something happens to you.
He was created in France,by a father,his son and their respectives friends.
The sport practitoner is called traceur.When it comes to avanced in the parkour in the streets,there are no protections in case you fall,hence the adrenaline that the traceur have when doing these activities,if they fall,any thing can happen.
If you start in parkour,you have to work hard,know what you are exposed to,be determined,know that you can break your bones and trust yourself,if you go with fear you will fail.
Basic recepcion is fundamental and basic reception(click).Try to distribute the weight of the impact and distribute it troughout your body,to perfom well,you must fall with the tips,the heels can not touch the ground.
Parkour has become very famous and is very practiced.
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